The national parks app


Now available for Apple and Android

Park alerts and updates keep you informed

Navigating timed entry, park permits, and travel plans is not easy. Save parks as favorites and get notified when there are park updates.

Bucket list achievements

Track all your park visits, and show-off your achievements as you record your National Parks bucket-list.

One place for all your park memories

Create Park Trips, upload photos from each trip, and share your trips with your friends. The community will share top tips from their trips, and together we’ll all enjoy a better national parks experience.

Answers to all your parks questions, fast

Get a quick answer to VERY specific questions like “I want to spend 1 day in Yosemite, and visit 3 short trails. Give me a family friendly itinerary to avoid crowds”

Install Now - Free for the first 10k users!

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